Trump Offers Apple Incentives To Make iPhones In The US

As American As Baseball And Apple Pie?

Or As Chinese As Baseball And The Apple iPhone?

The expression goes “As American as baseball and apple pie.” Maybe it should have been changed to “As Chinese as baseball and the Apple iPhone?” Apple Inc. The Apple iPhone is the world’s 2nd most popular smartphone.  It’s made by the Taiwanese companies Foxconn Technology Co. and Pegatron Corp. in China. The Chinese purposely devalued their currency making for low labor wages. The workforce is abundant also. Of the 1.357 billion Chinese population, 785 million are in the active workforce. The total US population is only 320 million. Trump Offers Apple Incentives. Because of this, US manufacturing companies moved their factory jobs overseas years ago. It left many blue and white collar Americans unemployed, and has also lowered the US’s living standards. Moving Jobs Overseas  Trump has pledged to bring those jobs back to the US. Mac Rumors

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Is It Financially Feasible To Build Apple Factories In The US?

Companies primary business objective is to make profit. In his Make American Great Again presidential campaign, Trump pledged to restore manufacturing jobs to the US. Many of them relocated in Europe, Asia and Mexico. Trump Offers Apple Incentives. President-elect Trump said he has spoken to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, and offered Apple tax and deregulation incentives to build iPhone factories in the US. Trump And Apple Talked Cook is reported to have confirmed the conversation with Trump, in which he told Trump that he understands. That’s about it.

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Trump Offers Apple Incentives

The Foxconn factory workers makes an average of $2.50 per hour. They live at the factory in an 8 person dorm rooms. From September to November in 2014 they worked 100 hours per month, seven days a week. Foxconn tried to eliminate paying overtime wages. Trump Offers Apple Incentives. Foxconn Working Conditions How can American workers compete with these low wages paid to Chinese workers? Would US tax breaks and deregulation be enough to offset higher wages and benefits paid to American workers?

What other economics factors are necessary to bring Apple factories to the US? Or does Trump know that it can’t possibly work? So if jobs don’t return to the US, will Trump use Apple as a scapegoat example, blaming Apple’s profit greed for refusing to relocate in the US?  Apple made $5 billion in the last quarter of 2015. It has only 7.4% of the computer market share. Apple Earnings 2015 Though it fluctuates back and forth with Exxon Mobil from week to week, as the worlds most valuable company. Microsoft has 89% of the market share. Amazing, unbelievable and astounding. What a brilliant man Steve Jobs was. A rebel and tyrant. Sound like somebody we know ?Trump Offers Apple Incentives-up
