Communications companies corporate policies and it’s cultural, sociological business-politics control the traditional media and digital media that the corporations own.  These corporate media are monopolies. It dictates what information its media reports on and it’s flow. Therefore one would think that its absolutely imperative that the Internet remain on a level playing field, open to all, hence the term to become popularized in the discussion, debate has become know as Net Neutrality.

Directly unrelated to Net Neutrality, but related in a “round about way”….  Take a look. Ivy League censorship? 

The Federal Communications Commission, (FCC) is considering allowing the biggest Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) like Verizon and Comcast to charge their business internet subscribers for faster access speed. Why?  More cash flow and more profit for one thing. And the business internet subscribers presumedly can afford the higher rates for an increase in the speed from their outbound servers to us.  And the ISP’s can arbitrarily charge different rates to different subscribers. As an example, if webiste A is exactly the same as website B, and website B’s pays the ISP for 50 times faster outbound server speed that it uses to respond to your information request 50 times faster than website A pays for speed, you and I are going to always use website B. This would give large businesses yet another advantage over small busineses and average citizens over the flow of information. Another term in this discussion that is perhaps as well known as Net Neutrality is “Pay To Play”, which is how businesses via its lobbyists get the attention and preferential treatment from local, state and federal law makers. They can afford to pay for lobbyist services and can afford to contribute to the political campaigns of the lawmakers who are on the committess that will make these decisions on policy and law. And the federal law makers are tight as skin-on-baloney with the FCC. Lobbyists and lawmakers often end up working at the FCC and vice-versa.

Here’s the other side of the coin of keeping the Net Neutral. Competition is inherent to life and especially business. So why shouldn’t a company be able to pay for and get tools that inhance the service to their customers, because there are similar companies with whom they compete who can’t afford to pay for the tools that would enhance their service to their customers? They shouldn’t be.