Will Artificial Intelligence Rule The World

Is Artificial Intelligence Artificial Artificial Intelligence has easily defeated humans in game challenges of chess and the TV game show Jeopardy. In the Jeopardy challenge, the algorithm that beat the humans is called Watson. It was named after IBM’s first CEO Thomas Continue reading Will Artificial Intelligence Rule The World

Trumps Executive Order Effects Apple Google Microsoft Expedia

Major Popular Tech Companies Oppose Trump Immigration Executive Order  Amazon‘s Jeff Bezo’s has added his sentiment to the growing list of opposition to President Trump’s executive order restricting immigration. Amazon joins Apple, Microsoft, Expedia, Starbucks and Exxon. and other tech industry Continue reading Trumps Executive Order Effects Apple Google Microsoft Expedia

Google Pulls YouTube App Support From 150 Million Older Mobile Devices

Google Pulls YouTube App Support Google Pulls YouTube App Support From 150 Million Older Mobile Devices Google’s Android phones are not effected and it should not come as a surprise. On April 20th, 2015 an estimated 150 million devices, specifically represented Continue reading Google Pulls YouTube App Support From 150 Million Older Mobile Devices

Google New Search Page Rank

Smartphones and tablets are categorized as “mobile devices”. In contrast, non-mobile computers are the types computers that either sit on your floor or desk. The are very likely to have a cable running from it to a display monitor. The types of computers that has it’s guts Continue reading Google New Search Page Rank